

The dental implant is today, the solution to replace missing teeth. It looks and functions like a natural tooth and restores 100% of the esthetics and functionality of the dentition.

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Orthodontics at SmileFactory offers you the following benefits:

  • Evaluation and treatment with a certified orthodontic specialist
  • Different forms of payment methods
  • We use the best quality orthodontic systems
About orthodontics


Digital smile design

Discover the new you
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Restorative & cosmetic dentistry

Crowns, bridges, veneers
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With laser technology
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Other Specialties

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Cleaning With Teeth Stain Removal And Fluoride Application

Deep dental cleaning, performed by a professional.

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3D Digital Evaluation

It consists of a comprehensive diagnosis made with the highest technology to capture images of your teeth and your mouth in general, essential for the development of any treatment. We have DIGITAL PANORAMIC AND CEPHALOMETRIC EQUIPMENT, which not only uses 70% less conventional radiation, but also provides immediate radiographs. In addition, we take digital photos and use a 3D SCANNER to obtain much more accurate three-dimensional images, and thus discover if there are cavities or other pathologies.

Request your evaluation today

Tratamientos básicos

Evaluación Digital 3D

Se realiza un diagnostico integral con radiografías y fotos intraorales, indispensable en la elaboración de cualquier tratamiento. Contamos con EQUIPO PANORAMICO Y CEFALOMETRICO que utilizan menos del 70% de la radiación convencional, para así tener un hallazgo diagnóstico claro e inmediato, sin afectar la salud de nuestros pacientes.

Limpieza con desmanchado de dientes y aplicación de flúor

Para tu comodidad, en nuestras limpiezas se coloca un campo limpio sobre el rostro y así poder realizar una limpieza a profundidad, además de eliminación de sarro. También se pulen los dientes con chorro de bicarbonato para eliminar manchas superficiales de té, café o cigarro. Finalizamos con aplicación de flúor o bien enjuagues antisépticos para el control de bacterias en la cavidad oral.

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