
Periodontitis or periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the gums and bone surrounding the teeth. As with tooth decay, this is a silent disease caused by bacteria, which if left untreated, can lead to tooth mobility and loss, as well as other serious repercussions on general health, especially in patients with other sensitive conditions such as diabetes, heart or lung disease.

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The purpose of periodontal treatment is to heal and maintain the health of the tissues surrounding the teeth, as well as to restore the contour and ideal appearance of the gums. This can range from deep cleanings, to gum trimming, surgery or bone grafting to rebuild and restore lost structures.

There are different types of treatments to work on the gums.

At SmileFactory we use LASER TECHNOLOGY for your well-being:

It has been proven that the use of laser technology is highly effective in periodontal procedures, either surgically or as a complementary therapy to stimulate tissues to a better recovery. This is due to the fact that the laser allows:

  • Less tissue inflammation and bleeding.
  • More focused cuts that, at the same time, eliminate bacteria.
  • Shorter healing time.
  • Increased patient comfort.
Do you want to learn more? Click here

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