Important things you should know before undergoing dental rehabilitation

Dra. Claudia Bruns

With technological advances in all sciences, we are seeing that complex dental problems can be solved with more comfortable and efficient treatments in fewer appointments. It is a fact that dentists have moved beyond simple fillings, and that we must be up to date with "digital" techniques and new materials that can respond to the demand for esthetic and functional treatments that provide long-term results.

Let us begin by explaining that an oral rehabilitation treatment integrates the use of prosthetic appliances, which can be fixed or removable, indicated after a thorough analysis of the function of the bite (occlusion) and the aesthetic factor. For example, there are so many people who seek to rejuvenate or copy the smile of an artist, opting for the famous "dental veneers" and yet, for reasons of bad habits or type of bite, are not candidates for this treatment and should NOT do it because it can go straight to failure; at least before solving other dental problems.

When I talk about analysis, I am referring to 5 things to be performed by the specialist dentist:

1. Take pictures and x-rays of the teeth and tissues. Sometimes it is even necessary to take a CT scan of the area, or a complete CT scan of the maxillary bones to evaluate the quality of the bone; don't be scared, a dental CT scan is taken in seconds, practically the same as an X-ray. It just provides much more information, which can be very useful to analyze the tissues.

2. Evaluate the condition of the restorations already in the mouth to see if they need to be replaced.

3. The type of bite, muscle movements when opening and closing the jaw and the health of the temporomandibular joint.

4. What habits does the patient have, e.g. dental cleaning routine at home, if the patient is a smoker, if the patient grinds or clenches teeth (bruxomaniac). What things he/she eats frequently or if he/she chews non-food items.

5. General health status, presence of other systemic diseases that may complicate periodontal health (bone and gums surrounding the teeth). Let's remember that, even if the teeth have very nice restorations...if there is no good support, the risk of losing them is very high.

All this is not simple, on the contrary, it is a challenge for the doctor to integrate all these points of analysis,

have the knowledge of specific areas and the manual dexterity to adjust new restorations.  

Therefore, nowadays it is recommended that several specialists work as a team to ensure that rehabilitation

The use of computer technology is a key to long-term success, e.g. a periodontist and/or implantologist. Use computerized technology

to design and fabricate the new prostheses with the different materials. What dental CAD CAM and how it has helped to the manufacture of prostheses?

The patient's collaboration and follow-up is VITAL. Nothing lasts in the mouth if the patient's, patient does not have the discipline to care for him/her. Visiting the clinic 3 or 4 times is a mandatory requirement.

The 3 major branches in oral rehabilitation include:

Ø FIXED PROSTHESIS, which includes veneers, single crowns and bridges. Ideally, they should be METAL FREE.

Ø REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS, which is recommended when there is loss of several if not all teeth (edentulous cases). It includes partial or total dentures that should restore function. I must say that conventional dentures are NOT the most comfortable and often need to be adjusted to the change of the supporting tissues.

Ø DENTAL IMPLANTS AND DENTURES ON IMPLANTS: which can replace from 1 pair of teeth to solve the case of people who do not have a single tooth. This is one of the topics that most interest patients and there is a lot of scope in this area. The important thing to know is that it is not a super complicated or painful treatment. Of course, it requires good planning on the part of the doctor and patience on the part of the patient, but the results are excellent! Besides, the prices are very accessible... An implant is not much more expensive than a dental bridge.


I hope I have answered the most frequently asked questions on this subject. It is important then to remember that, with the different materials and the evolution of dental robotic machinery to fabricate restorations, today very esthetic and efficient alternatives can be offered to the patient.Of course, the most important thing is the work of the rehabilitator and the specialists who address the different challenges to give back to the patients the quality of life they are looking for, a bite that allows them to enjoy the pleasure of eating and the confidence that means to recover a beautiful smile.

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