
Metal-free Restorative & cosmetic dentistry

Crowns, Bridges and Veneers made on digital printers: 100% ACCURACY!

The gray era is over! Today there are aesthetic and durable alternatives to restore teeth destroyed by decay or trauma. We have advanced 3D programs and a dental laboratory equipped with the best technology to customize and fabricate metal-free restorations. It's because of this technology that we can restore the aesthetics that your smile needs and of course the functionality of your teeth. Your teeth will look as NATURAL as before.

The technology used is the German CEREC system, which is the most sophisticated and innovative in the dental industry. This allows us to provide you with fast solutions in your treatment - ONE VISIT DENTISTRY -.

There are different types of restorations. The most common are:





Make your appointment today!

The restorative & cosmetic dentistry process


Digital 3D Evaluation

Nuestro Primescan asegura que el diagnóstico y diseño de tu sonrisa sea preciso.


Intraoral photographs

Uno de nuestros especialistas toma fotos especificas de tu sonrisa, mordida, perfil, etc.


Preparation for restoration application

Todas tus fotos se ingresan a nuestro sistema digital y se diseña tu sonrisa PERFECTA.


Production of the restoration

En nuestro laboratorio, con la más alta tecnología del Primemil Inlab Sirona, se elaboran las carillas que se colocarán en tu boca.



El doctor prepara tus dientes para la colocación de las carillas.


Se colocan las carillas

Se cementan las carillas, y ¡tu sonrisa perfecta quedó lista!

Before and after

Make your appointment today!

Change your life today!
Make an appointment with us.

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¡Oh no! Al parecer algo salió mal. Verifica que todos los campos estén llenos.

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