
Dental cleaning

For your convenience, in our cleanings a clean field is placed over the face in order to perform a deep cleaning, as well as tartar removal. Teeth are also polished with a bicarbonate jet to remove superficial stains from tea, coffee or cigarettes. We finish with fluoride application or antiseptic rinses to control bacteria in the oral cavity.

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The dental cleaning process


Tartar Removal (Destartration)

Nuestro Primescan asegura que el diagnóstico y diseño de tu sonrisa sea preciso.


Tooth stain remover with baking soda jet

Uno de nuestros especialistas toma fotos especificas de tu sonrisa, mordida, perfil, etc.



Todas tus fotos se ingresan a nuestro sistema digital y se diseña tu sonrisa PERFECTA.


Fluoride Application

En nuestro laboratorio, con la más alta tecnología del Primemil Inlab Sirona, se elaboran las carillas que se colocarán en tu boca.

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Make an appointment with us.

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