
The purpose of oral surgery is to solve pathologies that affect the teeth, gums or jaw bones, caused by genetic reasons, infections or trauma.

This type of procedures must be performed by specialists, who must make a previous evaluation with radiographies or special images in order to reach an accurate diagnosis and thus develop a treatment plan according to the specific case of each patient.

Make your appointment today!

Some of the types of surgeries are:

Purpose of Nitrous Oxide

Our purpose is not only to provide specialists in all areas to cover any surgical procedure, but to make sure that the experience during the process is as comfortable as possible. For this, we have special equipment of Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas, which is administered through a nasal mouthpiece and is an excellent option for all those patients who have a lot of anxiety or fear in the dental chair. Similarlyway, we have certified anesthesiologists, who perform intravenous sedation to keep the patient relaxed throughout the dental procedure. They accompany the dentist at all times to monitor the patient's vital signs and ensure their well-being.

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Make an appointment with us.

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