This Sunday, September 8, 2024, we had the privilege of receiving a visit from several children from the Colonia El Amparo zone 7 and the Bambi settlement in zone 1. Who arrived to be treated and receive dental cleanings, removal of tartar and application of fluoride. They also left with a SmileBag and a complete GUM cleaning kit.
We always thank our doctors and team who do a great job and transform the lives of these kids by donating their time and taking care of their oral health.
Although they seem harmless, several people have questions about how to treat the pain that certain mouth sores can cause.
The danger of delaying professional help is VERY HIGH: that is, the bacteria will continue destroying tissues.
It is described as a science that seeks to simulate human intelligence in machines, with the aim of solving human problems.
An oral rehabilitation treatment integrates the use of prosthetic devices, which can be fixed or removable, indicated after an in-depth analysis.