What do gums have to do with systemic disease?

Dra. Claudia Bruns

Periodontology is the branch of Dentistry that treats diseases of the gums and the bone that supports the teeth.

It is normal that at some point in our lives our gums become inflamed and bleed. However, when you already suffer from gingivitis for a long time or you feel that your teeth look longer than normal, it is time to worry. It is probably periodontal disease, an inflammatory condition that already affects the bone surrounding your teeth. What you may not know is that the bacteria that enter your body through your gums can increase the risk of several more complex conditions, from Alzheimer's, to hypertension, to diabetes.

Dr. Emilio Aguilar, a specialist in periodontics, shares his experience in treating patients with advanced periodontal disease.


How best to explain what periodontal disease is?

Dr. Aguilar:

"Well, the word "periodontium" comes from the Greek "peri-" which means "around" and "donto" which refers to the tooth. In other words, we are talking about a condition that affects the tissues around the tooth, which include gum, bone and periodontal ligament . They perform the function of holding the teeth firmly in order to withstand the chewing forces. When there is inflammation, in spite of there being no pain, there are signs such as bleeding, bad breath and later the mobility of the teeth, because there is a destruction of the bone that unfortunately is difficult to reverse. For this reason many times the so called "bone grafts" are required, in order to fill those defects that bacteria and inflammation have caused. "


At what age does it usually appear and why?

Dr. Aguilar:

"Usually after the age of 28, but it can happen earlier, depending on genetic factors or worse, poor oral hygiene, which allows an excessive accumulation of plaque inside the gum. This favors the formation of tartar, which is like having ''a stone in the shoe'' that accumulates more bacteria and causes a progressive inflammation that ends up destroying the tissue. For this reason, it is important to have professional cleanings with the dentist and to reinforce brushing techniques, especially in patients with complex restorations or lack of manual dexterity.

BEWARE: an INFLAMED GUM IS A WARNING SIGNAL FOR OUR BODY, because not only bacteria, but also toxins and other pathogens migrate through the blood to other organs. This is how a "localized" inflammation (in the mouth) becomes a systemic inflammation, which can seriously affect your health, causing e.g. insulin resistance, rheumatoid arthritis, activate hypertensive markers, or generate toxins in the brain.

Recent studies even link periodontal disease to the development of pulmonary complications in patients who suffered from covid-19, increasing the need for assisted ventilation in these patients.

Believe it or not, these diseases can happen even in people who lead a more or less acceptable lifestyle: they eat well, exercise and have no major vices, but... what happens? They are NOT aware of the care that their teeth need and never visit the dentist.  

How to avoid this situation?

You must have EXCELLENT ORAL HYGIENE, and be more careful if for example there is a family history of diabetes, cancer or hypertension. Remember that the body is a set of systems that work together and connect. Important: floss frequently.

2. Eat a healthy diet with low sugar intake and avoid being overweight.

3. Perform blood tests once a year, to find markers of inflammation.  

4. Have professional dental cleanings every 6 months at the most. REMEMBER that problems in the mouth such as cavities or periodontal disease do not show symptoms until they are already advanced. Maintenance is key to have healthy gums... no tartar, no periodontal pockets that accumulate bacteria.

Dr. Aguilar summarizes it this way:

"The ideal is to develop a culture of prevention, and not to seek the dentist until problems appear."  

Oral health specialists are called to work together with other physicians to guide patients to better health, an INTEGRAL health that promotes a better quality of life.

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