The truth about root canal treatment: Is it the best option before a tooth extraction?

Dra. Claudia Bruns

Although it is a very common treatment, most people do not really understand what it is about... or probably only those who have suffered from an unbearable toothache and have been forced to go, EMERGENCY, to the dentist. However, there is always the question of how effective this treatment is and if there are other better alternatives such as dental implants.

What does a root canal treatment consist of?

Also known as “root canal treatment (RCT)” or endodontics, its objective is to remove inflamed tissue on the inside of the teeth, including the tissue inside the root or roots in the case of molars. The causes of this inflammation can be:

·      bacteria that come from decayed enamel, or defective restorations,

·      dental trauma or fractures, or

·      any bone problem surrounding the teeth, where bacteria can leak.


What is certain is that no matter the cause, the pain generated by this inflammation cannot be resolved with medicines or antibiotics, because they simply cannot enter the blood into our teeth. The pain will not subside until the bacteria are removed, and if left unattended, it can result in much more delicate infections.

Does it require several appointments and are they painful?

In 90% of cases it is resolved in a single appointment. The problem is that, if a person already goes to the clinic with severe pain and also fear, it is more difficult for local anesthetics to take effect instantly, but there are always alternatives to reduce pain and anxiety. So, it does not have to what to be a painful treatment. It may also be necessary to recommend antibiotics and anti-inflammatories to complement the treatment.

Additional Appointments

Once the endodontics has been performed, the patient must return to the office to perform the final restoration of their tooth (or tooth), which can be an aesthetic filling or a crown made of a much more resistant material. This is usually done by another specialist.

Does a “TCR” really guarantee that I will not have problems or pain in the future?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients, who clearly want to heal their teeth completely and for life. The answer is simple: endodontics is a treatment that has a high success rate and prevents the loss of our teeth. However, just as in other disease situations of our body, there are conditions that complicate the scenario:

1.     The initial state and level of destruction of the tooth.

2.     If there is a periodontal problem: for example, the tooth has some mobility or loss of supporting bone.

3.    The tooth has several complicated canals in the roots, therefore, it is more difficult to eliminate the bacteria causing the infection. In these cases, the use of a MICROSCOPE can be of vital importance.

4.   If there is an inappropriate strong bite or a bruxism problem, there may be a risk of root fractures that are already irreparable.

5.    When good oral hygiene is not maintained and the dentist is not visited, any restoration can deteriorate and once again allow bacteria to enter the tooth.

What happens if the treatment doesn't work?

Although today millions of inflamed teeth are saved thanks to a root canal, there may always be the possibility that it will not work. This does not mean that there is no solution, which is why there are different dental specialties. The ideal is to work as a team to address the problem and ALWAYS try to preserve the teeth. In case this is not achieved, there is always the option of a dental implant, which offers great benefits. Just remember, the success and duration of any dental treatment depends on maintenance and constant visits to the dentist, having healthy habits and good care at home.

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