It's time to change amalgam fillings... 5 things you should know!

Dra. Claudia Bruns

With the technological advances in the dental world, many patients wonder if it is necessary to change the metal fillings or restorations that have been in their mouth for years. And of course there are great advantages to the new indirect restorations, i.e., made outside the mouth in a dental laboratory. That's right! New materials have made the gray of metal a thing of the past.

Above amalgam, below white esthetic fillings.

5 things you should know about restorations that have metal in them

1. Every restoration you put on your teeth has a life span.

If we think about all the factors that play a role in our oral health, we would be more careful to visit the dentist frequently. Remember that:

- the mouth is an environment teeming with bacteria,

- our teeth work several hours a day... EVERY DAY!

- there are chewing forces that can be detrimental and cause problems not only to the teeth but also to the supporting tissues,

- and finally we can also have bad habits that can complicate all of the above.

Therefore, whenever you have a dental restoration, make sure you visit your dentist to evaluate its condition and prevent further problems.

2. Amalgam fillings have been found to have several drawbacks

At the time, amalgams provided a great solution to the problem of dental caries. However, nowadays, the use of amalgams However, nowadays, the use of amalgams has been displaced by the use of much more esthetic materials, as well as the desire to avoid the use of mercury, which is highly toxic to the human body.. Therefore, the worldwide trend is to completely discard the use of this material. The pieces treated with amalgam also suffer a pronounced wear, and the problem with the dis adaptation of the margins is the entry of bacteria that can contaminate the internal part of the teeth. In addition, because it is an extremely rigid material, there is a high possibility of fracturing the tooth.

Di silicate inlays, more resistant than resin

3. The average life of fillings is 5 to 10 years.

White" fillings made directly in the mouth provide great advantages to replace amalgams, but nowadays they are only recommended for small dental defects. For teeth that have extensive decay, the ideal is to make inlays, a kind of filling that is made outside the mouth and then fit and cemented on or inside the tooth. It should always be considered that the success and longevity of such a restoration depends on the state of your oral health, the type of chewing forces and the care you apply at home, as well as visits to your dentist.

4. The advantages of dental inlays are numerous.

‍Digitaltechnology allows indirect restorations to be executed by "robot" type machines (known as CAD CAM), which give great benefits:

Ø The margins of the restorations are much better adapted.

Ø The restoration design is much more precise and esthetic.

Ø Novel materials such as porcelain and zirconia can be used, which are more durable.

Ø Cementation is faster than filling directly in the mouth, thus avoiding the risk of contamination with bacteria.

Ø There is greater resistance to masticatory forces.

Coronas de metal porcelana, se pueden ver los bordes negros.

5. Nowadays it is recommended that dental crowns and bridges be metal-free.

There are situations where caries has deteriorated the tooth so much that very large restorations such as crowns are required. The metallic alloys used for this type of restorations suffer deterioration with time, and the problem is that the margins can be seen through the gum, which affects the esthetics of the smile. For this reason there is a wide range of materials that are used according to the needs of the case, either for anterior teeth, which are more esthetic, or for the molar area, which must resist stronger chewing forces. The design and manufacturing can also be done with digital technology to have the same advantages as with inlays.

So you know...whenever there is a need to change old fillings, there are currently new alternatives that are excellent and meet the objectives of aesthetics, function and durability. Each person is a different world and has specific needs. Therefore, the first thing to do is to make an excellent diagnosis that includes clinical evaluation, photos and x-rays, in order to analyze from different perspectives and offer reliable and lasting solutions to the patient.

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